OnlyOnTuesday's Has A Spaz Attack



(PLEASE DONT READ THIS) (PLEASE NO) One day OnlyOnTuesday's Bought A Evil Pokemon Cartridge, Then It MaDE mE dIE sO I wENT tO hEAVEN aND mADE a dEAL wITH tHE gRIM rEAPER sO i cOULD lIVE, (I Accidentley Had Caps Lock On) and the grim reaper was marioracer1 and he let me live and i went back to earth and i went to my house and it was getting robbed by TheToaMaster and i just bought a new house and my agent was Wolflink659 And i lived in my House, then GodzillaFan1 sold me a evil uncle grandpa cartidge for the gameboy and [ XXXPruVelenciaXXX] Destroyed it and i moved out again and joined the police force with animefan9999 And Then I Quit And Ate A cheezeburger With LolSkeletons And SonicFanForever and furbearingbrick Bought a soda, then ATSuperFan123 Made a Flying evil titanic and someguy123 And Drek are the captains and we wrecked it on Rtivey's House and Superplankofdeath Killed Us With A shotgun and
mmpratt99 deavinart blocked it and then parkman202 ate a hotdog and we all died because lord farquaad of duloc killed us all THE END.exe (THIS IS SH*T)